These are some notes I made in my notebook about Florence while I was there, an attempt to capture a little of the atmosphere to take home with me:
strips of blue sky floating between ochre buildings
carpets of burnt sienna and venetian red observed from God's roof garden
sap green river and rose dore gardens
gelato in every tint of every colour
almond green marble giants and graphite grey pigeons
people singing goodmornings, hellos and thank yous
warm humid rooms and cool autumn breezes
the town smiles in the morning is sleepy at midday and melancholic in the afternoon

a pic of me forcing a smile after climbing 500 steps

a view from the hotel window
Great view from your hotel window. I like your colours.
Lovely description there Maya, great to have you back and I'm glad you had a good time ...
Welcome home Maya. I love your descriptions. What a wonderful way of remembering a place! I can imagine what wonderful paintings you could produce from those descriptions. :o)
Welcome back Maya, Florence looks wonderful, your words paint even better pictures than your photos...
hi i've been wandering through your notes and beautiful drawings.. as I got to know the SOSF via web and wanted to know every single fairy.It's nice to see so may women full of so many good thoughts. I am a bit envious though as I've never been able to draw anything and I get lost in the magic of your colors and shapes whenever I look at them.
I love florence so much as I am italian and often go there to meet a friend of mine who studies nearby: your notes remind some snapshots of long lazy afternoon chatting, shopping, wandering through the city.
Have a nice day and stay beautiful
Hi guys :) Thank you for visiting even if I have been naughty and neglecting my blog lately!
Hi lavinia, lovely of you to drop by!!
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